LOST Revisited: 6-13 “The Last Recruit”

She’s really excited to see Claire, and I have to admit, I didn’t figure this one out right away. She never saw Claire on the Island, so I was stumped as to why that was significant. There are question marks in my notebook and everything.

On the Island, Look-a-Locke gives a speech to his followers – it’s time for a confrontation. His followers are not exactly whipped into a frenzy, though. They know this isn’t going to go well for them. He sends Sawyer over to get the boat so they can hop over to the Hydra Island, and Sawyer brings Kate along. While Look-a-Locke goes off with Sayid for a bit, Sawyer spells out the plan for Jack – he needs to get Sun, Hurley, and Frank away from the group and bring them to the dock where Sawyer will pick them up. He makes it very clear that Claire is not welcome, and I do like that he remembered to include Frank.

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