LOST Revisited: 6-13 “The Last Recruit”

Look-a-Locke instructs Sayid to go to the well and kill Desmond and reminds him “You still want what you asked me for…”. Boy, that sounds like somebody confirming the theory that Timeline X is a world where Smokey gives everybody what they want, doesn’t it?

Sayid follows orders and goes to the well. On the one hand, good to see that Desmond is still alive. On the other hand, he’s in a well with a gun pointed at him. So he asks Sayid what Smokey offered him, and here you can kind of see that Sayid is fighting it. There might be some of buddy left in there after all. Of course, Smokey promised him Nadia, and Desmond has the awesome question, “What will you tell her?” Oh, yeah. If he really wanted to twist the knife, he should have mentioned that she might come back like him, all dead inside. So Desmond clearly knows that Smokey has been making promises. He’s got the game all figured out at this point.

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