LOST Revisited: 6-5 “The Lighthouse”

Hurley and Jack wander through the jungle, just like old times. Hurley apologizes for “wrecking Jack’s game”, which is pretty funny. They stumble across Shannon’s inhaler, so clearly if they’d put Hurley on that project back in Season One, they wouldn’t have had to pointlessly torture Sawyer. They’re back at the caves! The skeletons are still there, and Hurley very nearly quotes me when he wonders if maybe they’ll travel back in time again and end up as the skeletons themselves. I freaked out when he said that, I’m not going to lie. I still lean toward the idea that they’re actually Kate X and Jack X (or maybe Sawyer X), but that’s close enough to count. Thanks again, Hurley! Jack points out Christian’s smashed coffin, and admits to Hurley that he was chasing his father’s ghost. To Hurley, this is not an unusual thing to do, so it doesn’t get much of a reaction.

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