LOST Revisited: 6-5 “The Lighthouse”

Back in Crazy Lady HQ, Claire talks about how the Others tortured her, but Justin doesn’t remember it that way. And just before she takes the axe to him, Jin speaks up and says that Claire has been raising Aaron. For three years. Kate is clearly jarred by this. If you remember, Jin said earlier that it’s been three years, but she’s surprised when he says it again. She’s clearly addled. Like, she knew she’d been in the jungle for three years, but that didn’t translate to the idea that her son had aged three years in that time. And then, she hits Justin with the axe anyway. Now, spunkybuddy Colleen wondered if I thought Claire just went stir-crazy from being alone in the jungle for three years. And I can see where that would make you a little nuts. But the fact that Claire killed a guy with an axe, that convinces me that this “infection” is real. This isn’t the Claire we know. Even three years of isolation doesn’t get us to this point. Claire is killing people!

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