LOST Revisited: 6-5 “The Lighthouse”

OK, we’re in the lighthouse now. There’s a big gear with mirrors that will apparently focus sunlight to start a fire, which is probably how old-fashioned lighthouses worked. I have no reason not to trust them. Hurley has to turn the big gear to 108 degrees, and there’s our number! And you know what? There are names on the wheel! And they match up to Jacob’s cave. And Jacob’s chicken scratches are hard to make out, but I noticed that number 20 is “Rousseau”, and it looks to me like 51 is “Austen”, and it does not appear to be crossed out. Is Kate still in the running? And if so, why didn’t Look-a-Locke bring her up to Sawyer? These scrawled names are going to be the death of me. By the way, I don’t think we’ve seen what name matches up to 108 yet.

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