LOST Revisited: 6-5 “The Lighthouse”

In the Temple, Jack owns up to Sayid about the poison pill. At this point, Sayid isn’t showing any signs of going psychotic, but it looks to me like the last three episodes have taken place over the course of about a day. And this segues into the return of Claire, who has gone full-Rousseau on us. Jin’s still in that bear trap, and his leg looks jacked up. Claire at least recognizes him, but she’s surprised that it’s been three years. And in six years, I think this is maybe the second time these two have spoken to each other. I remember her forcing Jin to feel the baby back in Season One, before he spoke any English, but I think that’s about it. Kind of an interesting pairing. Jin passes out when he tries to walk on his bad leg. Well sure – just look at it!

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