LOST Revisited: 6-6 “Sundown”

He asks Sayid to deliver a message, and tells Sayid that he can have anything he ever wanted. But all Sayid wants is Nadia, and she died in his arms. Look-a-Locke doesn’t seem to think that’s an obstacle. And I think that’s kind of a big hint. What if Timeline X is where the Lostaways all got their heart’s desire? Granted, it doesn’t seem to be going exactly as planned, but the ingredients are there. Hurley has only good luck. Jack has the son he would never trust himself to raise. Sayid has Nadia, alive and well, though she’s married to his brother because he doesn’t believe that he deserves her. Locke has his relationship with Helen, and his father is in his life. Of course, this would mean that Kate’s wish is that she’d only be guilty of manslaughter and not murder. She does not dream big, that one. Is Timeline X the world Smokey gives them? And will they have to reject it to make sure he doesn’t win?

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