LOST Revisited: 6-6 “Sundown”

Before I start, my sister Jane said something that I just love. After this week’s episode, she suggested that Lost was really “Star Wars done better”. It’s a battle between good and evil (and this was the episode where they started throwing around the word “evil” for a change). Two opposing forces rooted in a mysterious power. One is killed and becomes a ghost, which seems to further his plans. The other has a dark power and is given to anger. And let’s not even start on the father issues. In a lot of ways, Lost is Star Wars with a plan. It’s like the way Hurley tried to write a better version of Empire Strikes Back. And I’m guessing that Lost won’t end with the incarnation of evil apologizing after his forces are trounced by furry midgets. Unless the next few episodes take an odd turn.

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