LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “Dr. Linus”

Sayid wants Nadia to be alive. Deep down, he doesn’t believe he deserves happiness – after trying to separate himself from his actions in the war, he ended up as an assassin after Nadia died. He hates that he can’t escape violence, so he won’t allow himself to be with her.

Jack still can’t keep a marriage together and his father is still dead, but he has a son. You would think that Kate would play a role in Jack’s new life, since she was the reason he wanted to try and reboot time, but Jack wants to earn her love. (Also, his wish may not match up with Kate’s, which is where Smokey will run into trouble with trying to create his own little world – he can’t make everybody happy when their desires are in opposition.) And if I’m right that Juliet is David’s mother, that ties into an older theory of mine. It’s long seemed to me that Kate is infertile. Remember, on the Island, men are super-virile. Yet, she hooked up with Sawyer on a regular basis without getting pregnant. It’s probably creepy that I think about his, but bear with me. Let’s say that she is infertile, and Jack knows it. Heck, even if he suspects this. In his perfect world, Juliet can give him a son, and then he still has a chance with Kate. Which would mean that Jack probably has some weird issues with women, but that doesn’t really come as a surprise at this point.

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