LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “Dr. Linus”

By the way, a lot of this comes from spunkybuddy Jennifer, who suggests that in Sawyer’s ideal world, he’s with Juliet. So in Timeline X, she left him for Sawyer. Her suggestion helped solidify a lot of this for me, actually. I learned this week that the Kate/Sawyer ‘shippers hate me, which was an unpleasant discovery. This won’t help my standing in that community any, but I am willing to be unpopular. Often, I don’t have a choice! But I do think it’s reasonable that Sawyer, at this point in his life, would most definitely pick Juliet in his ideal world. Because, let’s face it, Sawyer carries a lot of guilt around with him. A world where Juliet is alive and well and he can make her happy, that’s one less thing to feel guilty about. And remember that Juliet is not a Candidate (though it appears she was at one point) – she doesn’t get a say in the matter when creating Timeline X. Sawyer doesn’t get a world with Kate because that would conflict with Kate’s choice. Of course, we don’t really know Sawyer X yet. The fact that Locke’s father is apparently a different guy than we know means that Sawyer’s childhood trauma is probably erased, but all we can do is speculate at this point.

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