LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “Dr. Linus”

Before we get to the big points, let me cite spunkybuddy Jackie, who thinks it’s significant that we haven’t seen Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert in a couple of weeks now. He was running for the Temple last time we saw him, and it seems like he should have gotten there by now. And yet, we didn’t see him at all. I have to think Richard has some kind of plan, or at least a really good hiding place. As I mentioned before, Lost is cyclical, but now the major players all know that the cycle is broken and it’s heading to some kind of ending. Jacob and Silas had centuries to play Spy vs. Spy, and now Jacob’s dead, and Silas is stuck in Locke’s form. The Lighthouse is broken, the Temple laid waste – for the first time, they have doubts about the outcome of their conflict. Maybe Richard has an “In Case of Apocalyptic Emergency Break Glass” task of his own. In the next few weeks, he’s getting a flashback episode of his own, which kind of sounds like the best thing ever.

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