LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “Sundown”

Hot Pokers – Spunky-buddy Larry Young brought up Claire’s branding iron last week. We’ve seen that Jack X is marked with wounds from the regular timeline, and Larry brought up the Mark of Cain, which is suitably Old Testaments for this show. Cain was protected by his mark, though it also branded him as a murderer. (Not that being a murderer eliminates you as a candidate, of course.) And we’ve seen branding irons in the past, too. Dogen used one on Sayid as part of his “test”. Whatever reaction Sayid should have had, he didn’t. Either the brand failed to mark him when it should have, or it did when it shouldn’t. And look back at Season Three, when Juliet was branded by the Others as a punishment. Who knew that branding irons would become a motif?

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