LOST Revisited: Season 5, Episode 13: “Some Like it Hoth” (Apr 15)

In 1977, adult Miles is hanging out in the Flame, reading about Tommy Lasorda.

Sawyer calls him up to erase some security footage from the Sonic Death Fence. You know, to cover their tracks with the whole “abducting Benry” thing.By the way, they’re standing by Pylon 4, which is not the last time we’ll see Hurley’s numbers this week. As soon as Miles pops the tape, Horace shows up with a special mission. Since he can’t find LaFleur, Miles will have to do. And isn’t it great that Horace keeps talking about the “Circle of Trust”. Anyway, Miles has to bring something to Radzinsky at the work site, and then bring something else back with no questions asked. Also, the sector he mentions is apparently in “Hostile territory”. So, they’re building the outside of Dharma’s land? That’s just asking for trouble!

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