LOST Revisited: Season 6, Episode 3 – “What Kate Did”

Back on the Island, Sayid is still trying to get his bearings and Miles is hilariously snarky. With Sawyer going dark, I think we have to rely on Miles and Frank for our Recommended Daily Allowance of sarcasm. Sayid’s wound is almost healed now, and he thanks Jack for saving him. While Jack didn’t do much in this case, he certainly did more than Kate, who yelled at Jack to stop resuscitating him. Anyway, Lennon and Dogen want to talk to Sayid privately. Jack turns this into a fight, which only ends when Sawyer starts shooting. Kate begs him to stay, but Sawyer doesn’t much care what she has to say, and he disappears into the jungle. And that’s when Mac comes back! I mean, Aldo. He offers to accompany Kate into the jungle to track Sawyer and convince him to come back. Kate has what may be an unrealistic view of her own persuasiveness in this case. She heads out with Mac, Jin, and an Other named Justin. This is the first time we’ve seen him.

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