LOST Revisited: Season 6, Episode 3 – “What Kate Did”

In the temple, we see that Dogen’s idea of “talking” involves strapping Sayid to a table and attaching electrodes. This isn’t the first time that Sayid has been tortured on the Island (Rousseau zapped him with her generator), but the fact that they don’t ask him any questions kind of mirrors the way that he tortured Sawyer in Season One. They assumed he had Shannon’s inhaler, and started right in with the torture. I’d like to think that Sayid could bear up a little better under pain, but he did just come back from the dead and all. Dogen then jabs him with a hot poker – at first I thought he was cauterizing the wound, but there really wasn’t any indication of that. With that, they release him. Lennon says that it was a test, and he passed. And then once Sayid’s gone, he asks Dogen if he just lied. On the one hand, that’s bad news. On the other hand, it’s pretty funny that Lennon would tell Sayid he passed and only try to find out the truth later. That guy knows his job!

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