LOST Revisited: Season 6, Episodes 1, 2 “LAX”

Anyway, down in the catacombs, they lose track of Kate. Jack goes to find her, and ends up lost. And then, a guy in a turban punches him in the face. If you tell me you saw that coming, I will call you a liar.

In LA, Kate tries to pick the lock on her handcuffs using the pen she stole while pretending to tinkle. She drops the spring, which is what I always thought was the part you really needed. The Marshall catches on, but she hits him with the door and just pounds on him. In a nice touch, he gets a cut the left side of his forehead, which is where the falling luggage hit him in the plane crash. The universe just wants that guy to hurt his head! She finally gets into an elevator, where Sawyer distracts security and helps her escape. By the way, nice job with giving this version of Sawyer his Season One haircut. They did a good job with the details here.

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