LOST Revisited: Season 6, Episodes 1, 2 “LAX”

Anyway, after that first scene, we see that the Island is at the bottom of the ocean. Houses, statues, everything. And yes, we do get a reappearance of Season Two’s Dharma Shark. Everybody is showing up this season!

This was mind-blowing enough, but then we cut to the Island, and see Kate and Miles, at the site of the Swan. It’s not what they left behind – it’s the Hatch that imploded after Desmond turned the failsafe key. It would seem like that didn’t work at all, right? Really well-done job on the sound in this scene, by the way. They find Jack, and then Sawyer finds Jack, who promptly kicks Jack into the pit. Man, somebody should fill in that pit and turn it into a park before somebody breaks both their legs.

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