LOST Revisited: The Post-Mortem, Part 1

I can’t really bring myself to complain about unanswered questions, because in the end, we knew everything we needed to. And let’s be honest, certain questions didn’t have answers that would satisfy everybody. Look at the finale of The X-Files, which was the polar opposite of the Lost finale – it was people sitting down and talking about loose ends. And since X-Files hopped the rails in a way that Lost never really did, the answers were maddening and contradictory and didn’t work with continuity. If I have a choice between Frank Lapidus taking off from a makeshift runway in a plane held together with duct tape while the world literally collapses around him and the hundredth explanation of the Black Oil that manages to be out of step with every previous explanation, well brother, that’s no choice at all. Or in a less egregious example, Battlestar Galactica had a mostly awesome finale that was damaged by the writers trying to explain everything with “Because angels, that’s why”. And even then, they still had to do a follow-up DVD because somebody realized that they spent years assuring us that the Cylons had a plan, and then never got around to telling us what it was.

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