LOST Revisited: The Post-Mortem, Part 1

I stayed home from work the day after the finale, so I caught a lot of the morning shows and I got to experience the instant reaction, and it was legitimately shocking how people just didn’t get it. How does a person watch that episode and come to the conclusion that the Island was a dream that Jack had as he lay dying after the crash of Flight 815? You know, even though he was wearing different clothes and he watched Flight 316 fly over as he died. And more importantly, Christian Shephard appeared onscreen and said “Everything that happened to you on the Island was real.” Short of having John Terry walk into people’s homes and slap them on the back of the head, they could not have made it any more clear that the series wasn’t a dream or a hallucination or an Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge scenario. They came right out and told us!

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