LOST Revisited: The Post-Mortem, Part 1

And one of the things I really love is the way that the X-versions always consider it a gift to remember their old life. Every last one of these people went through absolute horror at some point, but almost without exception, they felt joy at the revelation. Sun and Jin’s marriage had more bad times than good, but when they remember their old lives, all that matters is how much they loved each other. Sawyer and Sayid lived with guilt – neither of them could ever forgive themselves, and especially in Sawyer’s case, channeled it into self-destruction. But to relive their lives was a blessing. There’s something very powerful about that to me. In the end, what matters is the person that they really are, or even the person that they managed to become. And everything that happened to them, good and bad, made them that person.

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