Lost Revisited (Week 2)

And how is it possible that these people seem evil, yet they’re going after somebody who’s also evil?  Shouldn’t somebody seem like the good guy here?

Just a thought:  With Locke now having his side pierced, and Abaddon being named for the Antichrist, is it possible that they’re the white stone and black stone from the backgammon board?  That hasn’t come up in a while, but it’s worth mentioning.

And then we have several big reveals right in the last scene.  The one question Locke has for Benry is about the monster.  I love that.  That means Locke either has everything else figured out, or he’s handling the mysteries in the order in which he encountered them.  It’s like he’s Ahab, and Old Smokey is his white whale.  We knew that the monster predated Benry, but I really thought he’d figured out what it is.  That is one mysterious monster.  (By the way, this episode was co-written by Drew Goddard, who wrote Cloverfield.)  Next, we have the revelation that Benry knows everything about Charlotte and friends.  So he didn’t just have a bad feeling about the Freighter People.  He knew exactly who they were.  And of course, we find out that Benry has a spy on their boat.  Benry has spies everywhere.  That’s sort of his thing.  Perhaps it’s this Minkowski we keep hearing so much about.  Regardless, Benry has a freaky amount of knowledge and excellent planning abilities.  He scares me.

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