Lost Revisited (Week 2)

By the way, the name of the salvage ship is the Christiane 1.  We are so not done with Jack’s dad.

Daniel Faraday is played by Jeremy Davies, probably best known for Saving Private Ryan.  He shares his last name with a physicist who pioneered the use of electromagnetism and discovered bezene.  Magnetism?  On Lost?  Unheard of!  Also, the villain in The Stand uses the last name of Faraday, and we know how much Juliet likes her Stephen King.

I’m not sure Locke has the best idea about building confidence among his little group of rebels.  The last thing you want to see is the guy who’s ensuring your survival standing out there in a downpour.  You want a leader who knows to come in out of the rain.  Convenient how the storm stops when Vincent barks, isn’t it?  In Season One, a storm let up as soon as Michael promised his son he’d look for Vincent.  And Vincent was present for all of Walt’s other ‘miracles’.  Vincent is a magic dog!

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