Lost Revisited (Week 2)

Strange reaction from Locke when Hurley mentions the cabin.  Also strange that they don’t agree on where it is.  That would indicate that Hurley got pulled into some geographical voodoo of some sort.  Or, and I hesitate to say this, he bilocated.  Hurley was near the beach and at the cabin at the same time.  Now, it seemed pretty clear that Locke saw him from inside the cabin last week, but he seems surprised that Hurley even knows about it.  There were all kinds of weird things happening in that scene, I think.

You know, based on what we know now, the contents of Dan’s box made a lot more sense.  He had a gas mask and some sacks imprinted with a biohazard symbol.  They are looking for a guy who committed mass murder with poison gas, after all.  Of course, this indicates that the Freighter People know more about Benry than the actual Dharma Initiative does, as they seem to think everything’s hunky-dory.  Who are these people?

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