Lost Revisited (Week 2)

Hey, I was right that Naomi’s reference to her sister was actually a distress code!  Feel free to tell your friends about how awesome I am.

In an interesting little footnote, Dan remarks that “the light doesn’t scatter quite right” on the island.  There’s no way that’s a throwaway line.  Could that be why nobody can find the island?  Light refracts in a weird way that makes it invisible from certain angles?  I mean, I’m no scientist, but it seems like if light behaves strangely on an island that nobody can find, it’s fair to connect those dots.

And now we’re in Tunisia.  By the way, one of our List-mates is actually in Tunisia right now, so that’s a nice Lost-style coincidence for you.  Watch out for the numbers, Amy!  Anyway, now we meet Charlotte, an archaeologist.  Why do you suppose somebody would send an archaeologist to the island?  Other than, you know, all those ruins and four-toed statues and stuff.  Again, these people have a lot of information about the island.  It’s interesting that she seems to not believe the news about Flight 815 being found in the Sunda Trench.  (By the way, I really worked at finding an anagram, then it turned out that it’s actually a real trench.)  Even more interesting is that she finds a polar bear skeleton with a Dharma collar.  In the desert.  Now, I’d be willing to accept that Dharma had branch offices all over the world, but the logo on the collar was that of the Hydra station, where Jack was held prisoner at the beginning of last season.  Those people are very specific with their logos.  I don’t have anything resembling a theory here.

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