Lost Revisited

The last flash-forward really muddies the waters.  Hurley apologizes to Jack for not staying with him, which would indicate that Locke was wrong.  However, what little we’ve seen of the future shows that they want to get back to the island, so maybe Locke was right.  Clearly, whatever happens in their immediate future will not be as black-and-white as you might think.  Also interesting is that Hurley believes Jack is checking up on him to ‘see if I was going to tell?’  Tell what?  Whatever happened, Jack did something really bad.

My viewing group had an argument as to whether these scenes happened before or after Jack’s flash-forwards from the Season Three finale, and then Jack said he was thinking of growing a beard.  Nice job, writers.  (By the way, I really think beards are the new Napoleon hats when it comes to indicating that a character has gone crazy.)

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