Lost Revisited

The scene where Hurley finds out about Charlie’s death was really well done, I thought.  I especially liked how Sawyer treated him with something that looked a lot like respect.  I know I’ve said this in past seasons, but Hurley would really have been a good leader for the Lostaways.  Sure, sometimes he sees imaginary people, but he’s really good at identifying problems before they spiral out of control, and he actually makes logic-based decisions.

Of course, then we get the flash-forward of Hurley back in the mental home, and we’re reminded of why he never really made it as a leader.  Nice touch that he’s playing Connect Four, which was his favorite game back in his first stay in the home.  Plus, you know, it’s got one of the magic numbers right there in the name.  Here’s where it gets awesome, when we meet Matthew Abaddon.  First off, he’s played by Lance Reddick, who rules.  (Fourth Oz cast member to turn up on Lost, by the way.)  Second, you know that he’s pure evil.  ‘Abaddon’ is the Hebrew word for ‘Destruction’.  It also appears as one of the infernal names in the Satanic Bible, and may be the name of the Antichrist.  His story about being a lawyer for Oceanic Air sounds plausible, but you can’t believe a guy with an evil name.  He asks Hurley “Are they still alive?”.  Not ‘the others’ or ‘the rest’.  He asked ‘they’, which indicates that he’s asking about some very specific people.  He could mean The Others, he could mean the people from the freighter.  There’s no way to know who he’s referring to, but it seems some very powerful people are very interested in what happens on Lost Island.

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