Lost Revisited

Jacob’s cabin seems to move and disappear throughout the scene.  Things like this have happened on a smaller scale before, but this is the best example yet of the Island reshaping itself.  Also, note the backward whispering in this scene.  That’s happened in past seasons, and now I have to wonder if Jacob was the one whispering.  I now think that when Ghost Walt appeared to both Shannon and Locke, he was a creation of Jacob.

I’m curious as to why Naomi didn’t rat the Lostaways out to the rest of her crew.  I mean, they did kill her and all.  I’m not sure why she used her last breath covering for them.  Perhaps the people on the boat aren’t quite as evil as we’ve been led to believe.  Or else Naomi’s reference to her sister was code for “Bring the big guns, George.”  I am fascinated by these freighter people, and our only concrete information is that they don’t work for Penny.

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