LOST: The Pre-Season Report

What’s with Dr. Marvin Candle’s pseudonyms?
Yes, I know his actual name is Pierre Chang, but he’ll always be Dr. Marvin Candle to me. But really, why does he use three different names in his orientation films? It was one thing when we thought he might have been an actor, but he’s an actual doctor who lived on the Island. The fact that all of his aliases are candle-related (Marvin Candle, Edgar Halliwax, Mark Wickmund) just adds another layer of confusion to the whole thing. Personally, I think that the pseudonyms are a clue that he’s leaving for the future. As of last season, he knows that there are time travelers among them, and that things are going to go horribly wrong. There might be future significance to a candle, something that the Lostaways of the future are going to need. He might be helping out Miles from 30 years in the past. That whole thing is too weird not to have a payoff.
Seriously, what’s the deal with Walt?
I’m afraid this storyline will be left dangling for logistical reasons. Kids have a bad habit of aging in real time, which is why Walt got relegated to the background after Season One. One year shows up on a ten-year old in a way that you can’t really disguise. Especially since only 40 days of time passed on the show in that year. And while the present day scenes have caught up to 2008, that would mean Walt should be 14. However, the actor was actually born in ’92, so that puts him just shy of 18. That’s still a pretty big disparity, especially at that age. But really, we need some answers. Why was he so important to the Others? Is he magic? If not, why did birds attack the Others while they held him? I feel like this is a fairly major point, and we’re going to need some kind of resolution. It’s a shame if they can’t work Malcolm David Kelley into the season at some point, but understandable. But you’d think that Benry or Juliet could explain it, since they were there. (If we see Juliet again, that is.)
Remember those skeletons in the caves?
I’m still mostly convinced that Rose and Bernard remain in the past until they die of natural causes. I’m pretty secure that this one will be answered, since Damon Lindelof said a while ago that the bodies in the caves will prove to the viewers that they had a plan, when all is said and done.
Will Nikki and Paolo make a dramatic return?

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