Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–Episode 2

Bristol stepped up, after some minor hesitation, and helped in the stunning, which keeps these giant fish from damaging their own delicate (and tasty) meat, and the “bleeding”, which is done as the next step in the process.  This drains the fish of their blood so we can all enjoy flaky, white fish and not something darker.  I had no idea halibut were so HUGE and so lucrative!

Sarah and Bristol then go to the processing plant and work on a “slime line”, a place she swears most every Alaskan teen has worked.  It’s nice to see people hard at work with what seems to be a lot of pride in what they do.  The woman who is clearly assigned to shepard the former governor and her daughter around has been there for 17 years.  Sarah even helps fillet the fish, and kind of admits she’s not good at it.  Well, she’s better than me.  After all is said and done, the expedition pulled in 12,000 pounds of halibut that were worth around $75,00 at market.  That’s impressive.

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