Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: “Logging”

The next day, they take Willow to help re-seed a part of the forest that’s already been harvested.  She looks positively delighted, which is to say, not at all.  Later, she and Sarah have a walk on the beach where Sarah tries to impart her work ethic to Willow and gets only a lot of silence and eye rolling in return.  Boy, teenagers are fun, aren’t they?  In  her defense, however, I’m guessing she’s heard this about 7,437 times before.

The last thing they do before the leave the logging camp is head over to check out something called a Shovel Logger, which helps to take the trees that have been cut down and stack them for shipping to customers.  Sarah lies (!) and says she knows how to operate one even though that’s not really the case.  Again, Todd is clearly seething with jealousy over her getting to do all the fun stuff, but that’s just how it goes in the Palin house these days.  (Oh, and earlier in ep, Sarah claims she only tweeted the word “refudiate” because she typed “f” instead of “p”.  I’m not sure I believe her.  Besides, she’s clearly stoked that it becomes the #2 search on Google the next day.)

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