Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–“Mama Grizzly” (Pilot)

This show is a way for Palin to showcase the natural wonders of her beloved Alaska with the help of Mark Burnett, whose years of Survivor experience make him a clear choice to produce; as well as further humanize Sarah and her family.  As a travelogue, it succeeds.  I mean, it’s hard to miss with a subject like the Alaskan wilderness.

As candid reality show subjects, the family might not be the most electric group, though the introduction, complete with a kicky country theme song, wants us to think otherwise.  The Palins (Sarah, Todd, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Track, little Trig and baby grandson Tripp) raft, fish, climb, snow shoe, cut down trees, race cars and shoot guns, plus a moose family trots through the yard, which is very Northern Exposure-esque.

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