Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–“Mama Grizzly” (Pilot)

Todd’s big job seems to be producing Sarah’s link ups to FOX News from Wasilla.  (He used to be away for 6 to 7 months at a time when he worked on the Alaskan pipeline, so this is clearly a better deal for everyone).  She says she’s asked for all the extra work, which is a true and basic statement.  We only get to see the generic bits of Sarah’s answers to Bill O’Reilly’s questions, so, at least initially, the show is trying to steer clear of politics.  Of course, Sarah still wields a crazy amount of political influence.

The new neighbor, a blurred out reporter named Joe McGinniss of the New York Times, is disparaged by both Todd and Sarah for the camera, and I can understand why Todd built a 14 foot fence to keep prying eyes away.  No matter your politics, if someone trying to write a book about you moved in next door, that would be creepy.  The Palins explain that his presence has curtailed some of their summer fun.  He disagrees.

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