Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–“Mama Grizzly” (Pilot)

Todd and Sarah take Piper and a cousin salmon fishing (where they see a Mama Grizzly and her adorable cubs, who are fishing as well), and the next day are joined by Willow, Sarah’s parents and her nephew to attend mountaineering school in Denali National Park, which is truly breathtaking.

The episode ends with a long sequence that follows Todd, Sarah and a guide as they cross-country ski and hike on a glacier in Denali, which is 6 million acres.  It’s an amazing sequence.  The trio has to avoid falling into a crevasse, so Sarah and Todd are roped together with their guide. When the group reaches the final rock climb, Sarah actually gets ruffled for once, but still, the worst word she says is “golly!”  Really, there’s not a censor’s beep to be found in the whole scene.  And she does power through and finish the climb, which, I’ll admit, I don’t know if I could do.

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