Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–“Mama Grizzly” (Pilot)

We don’t see Bristol or oldest son Track in this episode, and we barely see the two babies; although it’s clear the family has a nanny for Trig, and Bristol has some help from her family with Tripp.  If you watch Bristol on Dancing, you know she did actually have a job in a dermatologist’s office prior to going on the show, so that might be where she was at the time.

It’s not immediately clear where the season will be going, beyond the fact that there will be more unreal wildlife shots and trips to the gun range with the whole crew.  It’ll be interesting to see if Burnett can develop an intriguing narrative for this “cast of characters” or if this show simply focuses on being a love letter to our 49th state’s majestic beauty.  With almost 5 million viewers tuning in for the inaugural episode, Sarah Palin once again has a unique platform to win people over with her camera ready looks and folksy charm.  Can she strike more gold, or simply provide fodder for a bunch of new SNL sketches?  I’ll let you know!

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