Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: “Rafting and Dog Mushing”

The second half hour shifts gears completely, sending Sarah and Piper out on a girls’ day, Alaskan-style.  Rather, Alaskan-reality show-style, because there is no other scenario in which a mom and daughter go to a restaurant to pick up pies and end up waiting tables.  And then drive up to an Alaskan Husky kennel, get picked up by helicopter and head to Punchbowl Glacier to mush teams of sled dogs who compete in the Iditarod.

The waitressing thing was the most contrived bit this show’s done by a country mile.  It made no sense, especially Sarah’s words to the camera, “We had a few extra minutes”.  To me and my 8 year old, that might signal time for a milkshake or something.  But, I’m not the former Governor of a state.  And I can’t help but point out that Sarah drives a Toyota Highlander.  How much crap will FOX News be giving her about that?  I’m going to go ahead and say none.

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