Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: The Palins Meet The Gosselins

At a BBQ that night, Sarah’s dad shows the Gosselin kids all the natural artifacts he’s collected that he keeps around his house, and they are enthralled; especially when he sticks a porcupine quill in his arm.

The camping trip takes place at one end of the enormous Denali National Park, and, again, it’s accessible only by plane.  Kate is less than thrilled about how cold and damp the trip will be when she sets out.  Sarah and her fam have already built the tents and a fire before they get there, but Kate still manages to whine about the lack of bug spray on the kids and going back to the lodge from the second the sea plane touches down.  Sarah’s marvelling in the beauty of Alaska, and Kate is pouting under a tarp.

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