Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: The Palins Meet The Gosselins

While Kate stands with her arms folded, away from the action, Sarah’s brother Chuck shows Kate’s kids salmon teeth, and has them help gather firewood and later rocks to make some sort of map of Alaska.

Not seeming to care about her kids’ experience or wanting to be involved in it whatsoever, Kate continues to bitch: “It just kills me that people willingly do this.  I can’t get over it.  That is just so shocking to me.  Why would you pretend to be homeless?”  She freaks out about lack of paper towels, utensils and “hand cleansing materials.”  She cries about being hungry.  Um, lady, there are hot dogs, hamburgers and s’mores that other people are MAKING FOR YOU.  Shut up.

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