Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: The Palins Meet The Gosselins

She even questions poor Piper, “This is fun for you?”  Piper: “I like the rain”.

Sometime not too long after lunch, Kate tells Sarah that they’re leaving, even though the kids are all smiling and having fun and she’s the only one who can’t seem to just suck it up.  I mean, I’m not an avid camper, and I don’t know that I’d be having the best time if I was cold and wet, but seriously!   You’re in one of the most majestic places in the entire world!  This woman has been handed yet another once in a lifetime opportunity and all she can do is complain.  Piper is clearly crushed that all her new playmates are leaving and declines to even walk them to the dock.

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