
Swingtown Week 5 (July 10)

We learned that Tom was in a committed relationship when he met Trina, a stewardess at the time, so her concern over him being so far away–especially given their current arrangement–is certainly understandable, even for someone like Trina.  And, who knows if he had the mustache back then, which, let’s face it, is like cat nip to the ladies.  Sadly, we were lacking in our quota of Tom’s zingers and single entendres this week, as he spent most of the episode flying to and from Tokyo and then hosting an impromptu flight crew party in his hotel room.  It would appear Tom behaved, even if Trina has jet lag to thank.  I’d sure hate to see things go south in the Cougar Den!

One place that’s finally heating up, however, is the Avocado Kitchen of Repression (I know I’m not doing old fashioned recaps at this point, but when I coin a phrase, I like to make sure it gets walked around the block a few times).  The hour started out with a turned-on Roger telling Janet her cabin exploits were the most fun he’s ever seen her have.  She rebuffed him–mostly since it wasn’t Friday (the poor guy only gets laid bi-weekly and by appointment!)–but also to tune up her Tupperware presentation instead of her husband.  That scene, where she and Susan are like the Abbott and Costello of kitchen parties, was one of my favorites of the show so far.  it encapsulated both the era and Janet’s character perfectly.

Then again, Janet seems to be going through the beginnings of her very own sexual awakening.  I think the fact that she even heard Susan out on the topic of Deep Throat was a step for her. Then, she put aside her opposition to the film and showed up at the party to support her friend.  Awesome.  Of course, it was the perfect way to set up the chance encounter between Janet, Harry Reems and his mustache, hanging out in the kitchen.  She had the line of the episode when, upon realizing who she was talking to over the crudite, she responded to Reems’ assertion that he needed the work (for which he only got paid $250, apparently), by asking, “They weren’t hiring at Woolworth’s?”  Janet encouraged him to pursue a career in sales, like herself.  (this may be a nod to the real-life Reems, who is currently a realtor in Utah.) 

Roger came to the party with Bruce (only after they won the league championship in bowling!), and he and Janet stayed for the private screening of Deep Throat, though they didn’t attend the after party in the basement.  Instead, they went home and got crazy on the kitchen floor.  I guess their son Rick is either a very sound sleeper, passed out drunk, or he’s becoming the Chuck Cunningham of Swingtown.

The other kids?  Yeah, they were there.  BJ and Samantha are sweet and all, but just not exciting, especially as compared to the adults.  I did like their watching of Nadia Comaneci in the Olympics and drinking of Yoohoo, but I just can’t be bothered to care too much about their pre-teen relationship.  Lori and Teach are staying on their best behavior–for now.  Both seem to be counting down to the end of summer school so they can start making out.  Lori seemed to get Logan to agree to stay quiet about the late night visit Doug paid to her last week.  And it seemed way too easy, so I will assume that there’s more to come.

Next week it looks like Roger’s out of a job and Tom & Trina are making some more new friends.  See you then!

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