
Swingtown: Week 7 (Jul 28)

The entire episode revolved around insufferable late summer heat, and all the steamy stuff that can go with it.  Perhaps the heat is too blame for Lori’s hideous plaid bikini top and short shorts ensemble.  No matter.  Her plot with Doug started to turn the corner this week.  I guess we are to assume that Lori will still be in high school in the fall, and she now knows her new boyfriend Doug’s been offered a teaching job there.  His friend, who Lori takes in his softball game with, says he’s stalling on taking the position, which she says is his dream, and can’t figure out why.  So, clearly the you-know-what’s gonna hit the fan very soon.  For his part, Doug seems more deluded than calculating, and all signs point to them not having done the deed just yet. 

Little Miss Janet, who thinks things are changing for the better, is really branching out in the wardrobe department these days.  Too bad her check bounced when she went to Marshall Field’s.  Since she’s Janet, she called her banker, who informed her that Roger had not made his usual Friday deposit (ah, the days before direct deposit).  She then marched right on down to his office and demand to see his former boss.  You had to feel just awful for her when a secretary had to break the news to Janet that Roger had been fired rather than promoted.  It killed me that she was concerned that he’d been canned for not being punctual.

Where had Roger gotten to, you ask?  Why, he’s at the Millers, fretting about what to do next, mooning at Susan (who was hanging her own wallpaper) and attempting to mooch some AC.  Too bad it was broken, but that presented a convenient opportunity to have Susan invite Roger into her bedroom to fix the window unit.  And then the power went out, so he & Susan headed to the Decker’s pool party for the whole swingin’ Tokyo crew.  Trina and Tom were giving each other the stink eye, while she flirted with Tom’s co-pilot Rex as a form of revenge.  By episode’s end, The Deckers were planning to stay exclusive for a while, in order to get back “in sync”.  Meanwhile, cracks are forming in the Miller marriage, even if both parties don’t completely know it yet.

During the blackout, Bruce was stuck downtown with the gang from work, most notably his protege, Melinda.  And then she propositioned him.  We didn’t see his reply, but we did see him come home, wince when Susan kissed him, and rush off to shower before bed.  I’m guessing Susan didn’t get the same vibe, since she was too busy sitting on the floor, staring out the window, enjoying the AC and caressing her sunburned shoulder in the same place Roger had touched it hours earlier.

And Roger was finally set to face the music, but didn’t get the chance to break the news, since it was already out there.  Roger explained that he’s OK with the firing since he “wants more”.  And it’s hard to know for sure if he means only in his career.  Janet replies, quite simply, “You got it.”  These two seem solid, except for the part where he and Susan should totally do it.  You know, if they could.  Dammit, Janet, why did you have to become awesome? I can’t root for your husband to branch out anymore!  Then again, next week is Trina’s annual Puzzlerama party, which could throw everyone for yet another loop.  See you on Thursday for the recap!

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