After yesterday’s lovefest, today’s installment brings us two shows that the All-Pilot Project hated, and one that inspired not strong feelings whatsoever. That’s what we call balance.
The Jay Leno Show
NBC, Monday – Friday 10 PM
The Premise: It’s Jay Leno’s version of the Tonight Show, only 90 minutes earlier.

The Personnel: Everybody who was involved with Tonight under Leno’s reign, from on-air personality to writers and producers.
The Poop: Obviously, if you don’t like Leno, you’re not going to like this show. I don’t like Leno. I think he’s actually a pretty good stand-up, but I always get this sense of contempt from him, like he thinks he needs to play to the lowest common denominator because we’re all stupid. His monologues are insulting and worse, not funny. He seems so intent on looking like a regular guy that he comes off as elitist. I’ve always heard that he’s a very nice man, and that may be true, but I don’t enjoy watching him.