The Best Shows on TV

Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Just the Beef and the Crows”

The mystery itself is gripping, but it’s the characters and the emotional storytelling that really makes The Killing something special.  With Mad Men and Breaking Bad, AMC has brought us some of the best shows on television, and The Killing is another example of the amazing level of quality we’ve come to expect.

Conan – Conan O’Brien’s TBS show has been consistently funny, and on any given week, there’s a perfectly good reason or two to include it in Moments of Joy.  This week, though, was special.  Will Ferrell will be visiting Conan on May 2nd, and all week they’ve been teasing his appearance with a series of menacing webcam videos.  Will announced that he’s going to be shaving Conan’s beard (or “face pubes”, as he put it).  All week he’s been taunting Conan, and in one especially funny bit, he shaved an orange balloon with a straight razor.  Well, right up until he popped it.  We’re always happy when Will makes a talk show appearance, and we can’t wait for May 2nd.

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