The Best Shows on TV

Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Just the Beef and the Crows”

Raising Hope–We’ve missed the Chance Family, and they cracked us up as usual this week.  Jimmy drove Sabrina to her boyfriend’s college when she was suspicious of him cheating.  Turns out she was right, but Jimmy somehow talked him into giving him another chance (See what I did there?!) In other news, Ma Maw had a flirtation at Shelly’s daycare with guest star Jerry VanDyke, and it managed to make dementia sort of funny and adorable.

Parks and Recreation – Well, that was the kiss we never expected to see.  After an Internet dating site revealed that Leslie’s potential soulmate was none other than Tom Haverford, Leslie went into a bit of a tailspin.  It got worse when she told Tom about the results and he promptly used this knowledge to torment her.  Just to make a point, Leslie kissed him “out of revenge”, and it was just as awkward as you might hope.  Meanwhile, Chris and Ron Swanson got into a disagreement over the new City fitness plan, which saw Ron’s beloved hamburgers banished from the commissary menu.  The men agreed to a cook-off, turkey burger vs. hamburger.  Ron even went to the health food store where Chris shops (“for the same reason people go to the zoo”), before a trip to his preferred grocery store, Food ‘n’ Stuff.  (“It’s where I get all of my food.  And a lot of my stuff.”)  Chris presented “an Asian fusion burger made with Willow Farms organic turkey, a toasted talleggio cheese crisp, papaya chutney, black truffle aioli, and micro-greens on a gluten-free brioche bun.”  Ron, on the other hand presented “a hamburger, made out of meat, on a bun, with nothing.  Add ketchup if you want, I couldn’t care less”.  Of course, Ron handily won.  Turkey can never beat cow.

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