The Best Shows on TV

Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Just the Beef and the Crows”

But spunkybuddy extraordinaire Larry Young has been talking it up, and if there’s one person who knows what EJ likes in his entertainment, it’s Larry.  Thanks to Larry, I’ve got a better grip as to what’s going on, and I know now that it’s OK that I didn’t like Season One.  So, you can put this one in the “Larry was right” file, because I am totally loving Fringe these days.

And Friday’s episode was fantastic.  We’ve mentioned here before how great the storyline has been with William Bell possessing Olivia, largely because Anna Torv has an absolutely dynamite Leonard Nimoy impression.  (And seriously, did they let her know about this plot twist ahead of time and she practiced like crazy, or is this something she’s had in her back pocket all along?)  That arc ended on Friday as Peter and Walter went into Olivia’s mind to find her consciousness and hopefully help locate Bell so he could transfer his being into a suitable host.

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