The Best Shows on TV

Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Just the Beef and the Crows”

Cougar TownCougar Town returned with two new episodes, and we couldn’t be happier to see these guys again.  This week, Bobby and Laurie tried to take Penny Can into the mainstream, we learned about Travis’ shameful history of sleep-humping, and Jules took care of Stan for a day, reminding us that, oh yeah, Andy and Ellie have a kid.  As usual, the plot of any given episode takes a backseat to watching the characters interact, and this was dead-on.  Our favorite moment might have come from Laurie, who worried that she was getting too old to hook up at a club and wake up next to a stranger.  She’d been out of the game for a while and missed the Walk of Shame (or as she calls it, “The Walk of Awesome”).  The episode ended with one of those walks, with Laurie just reveling in every dirty look that came her way.  Welcome back, guys! Happy Endings–This one continues to grow on us, despite a few little quirks.  There were two episodes this week, and the second one was funnier, with Penny meeting a guy she hit it off with immediately, only to discover his last name was Hitler.  And Max came out to his parents, which gave the whole show a little injection of heart and soul.  We’re still on board.

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