Mad Men

Mad Men Round Table: Epiosdes 1 & 2 (Aug 7)

Don Draper is also, suddenly, the model of integrity, sincerity, and renaissancian cosmopolitanism (if those words can be used together).  He’s penning poetry.  He employs a voice over.  A voice over?  Is this suddenly The Wonder Years?  He’s a model husband and father.  Romantic.  He knew exactly the right and classy thing to do when Pete Campbell came to him with the news of his father’s passing.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t he an absolute mess in the last 3 episodes of Season 1?  I’m not sure I’m on board with the Ward-Cleaver-style Don Draper and would like to see a little more of the Charlie-Sheen slash lost-boy Don Draper that made his character so complex and compelling.  I want multiple episodes exploring Salvatore’s homosexuality and his struggle with coming out of the closet in 1961 as much as I wanted endless episodes about Rose and her stupid husband and their backstory on Lost. Please, Matt Weiner …don’t pull a Lost-Season-2 on America!  Well, don’t do it to me.

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