Mad Men

Mad Men Round Table: Season 2, Episode 12 – “The Mountain King” (Oct 21)

It means the only thing keeping you from being happy is the belief that you are alone.

-Anna Draper
What if that’s true?

Then you can change.

People don’t change.


Most disappointing is the fact Matt Weiner also ‘can’t change’.  Same story, again.  An impossible-to-ignore series set inside a fascinating world most of us will never know, ends up leaving that world and leaving us all behind.  Some may argue there’s only so many stories you can write for this Manhattan landscape, but the walls of Sterling-Cooper certainly could’ve entertained us for more than a season-and-a-half.  This was an episode one might expect during a fifth or sixth season …not Season 2!!!

How long has Pete Campbell been back from California and how long had Don-Dick-Draper-Whitman been AWOL?  Who is John Gault?

Weiner and gang have a week to ‘woo’ me.  Right now, I’m the Clearasil account and I’m a little worried.  I’m Pete Campbell’s father-in-law and I have a good mind to call AMC and let them know my Sunday night, 10 p.m. viewing time slot is “up for review”, just to see how they’ll react.  I’m hoping they’ll work to keep my loyalty and won’t simply fire me and go off on some trippy, “Don Draper is Odysseus”, artsy-fartsy tangent where Don Draper’s story runs parallel to the rest of the characters.  Like Bertram Cooper’s character, I’ll still cast a “yay” vote, but my heart will be shouting “nay” and I’ll be the guy sitting, deflated and alone, at  the conference room table.

I don’t want to be that guy.

Mad Men has been renewed for a third season, but rumors are that creator, Matt Weiner, still doesn’t have a contract, nor do any of the actors.  Maybe Myndi, EJ, and I can write a few scripts and get ‘our show’ back.

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