Mad Men

Mad Men Round Table: Season 2, Episode 8 – “A Night to Remember”

The world is changing, and Don Draper’s world is crashing down on him.  Perhaps Jimmy and Bobbie Barret make no illusions to each other that they are in love, and their relationship is nothing more than a business partnership.  And, together, they used Draper for what he could get them.  Bobbie knew how to push Don’s buttons before they even met and said as much.  Rachel Menkin (from last season, and now from Sons of Anarchy) didn’t ‘buy’ what Don was selling and then minimized and laughed at him.  And, now, Betty is tired of the ‘Don Draper’ mystique, as well.  Don Draper had better blow the dust of his Kodak Carousel pitch and watch the slide show, again.  Now it seems the slight aside last week, when Mad Men flashed back to Don’s days as a used car salesman, did serve a purpose.  He was exposed before, and he’s going to be exposed again, and his life continues to come full circle …again …like a carousel.

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