Mad Men

Mad Men Round Table: Season 3 – “Seven Twenty Three”

I still can’t pinpoint why Don is so angry with Roger, but I feel like there’s still an explosion coming before the season ends.  This friendship has always been mostly surface, hasn’t it?  Remember the whole whiskey and oyster fueled stair climbing debacle (engineering by Don) that ended with Roger hurling all over the clients’ shoes?  Well, as we saw when Bert Cooper used his Dick Whitman trump card to get Don to put pen to paper and sign a three year contract, this show never forgets a single detail.

Don (not Draper) When I first got into advertising, someone told me, “Never sign a non-compete.” Essentially, in advertising, because the most important thing you have is intellectual property, it’s the thing companies want to prevent you from taking with you when and if you leave. Now, I’m not saying I’m Don Draper and getting $5,000 signing bonuses and handsome increases for landing Hilton Hotels, but its all about protecting yourself while limiting your exposure and destiny at the hands of a large company.

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