Mad Men

Mad Men Round Table: Season 3, “The Gypsy and the Hobo”

Once we knew for certain that this woman wasn’t just an admirer of Roger’s but an actual ex, it seemed like it was probably just a matter of time before they fell into bed, didn’t it?  But, despite boozing it up at dinner and flirting with ease, Roger turned down Annabelle, saying about Jane, “it’s different with this girl”.  Later, when Annabelle stomped out of the focus group and Roger subsequently cleared out the break room to set her straight, his words were brief but cutting.  Clearly regretting breaking Roger’s heart for another man so many years before, Annabelle said, “You were The One.”  Roger’s reply? “You weren’t.”  Ouch.  So, it’s Jane, then.  Maybe.  Couldn’t it just as easily be his Joanie?  When she called her old lover and boss to seek leads for a new job, I grinned through the whole exchange.  (Roger: “Mr. Hooker’s rearranged the secretarial pool.” Joan: “By cup size?”  Roger: “Well, I know where you’d be sitting.”)  Even when these two are merely on the phone, they radiate more chemistry than almost any couple on TV.  Later, we got a glimpse of Roger calling a colleague and recommending Joan, “I want to help her out.  She’s important to me.”  Is it wrong for me to hope these two might find each other again someday?

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